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    Discovering the Moral Value of Money.Ian P. Wei - 2012 - Mediaevalia 33 (33):5-46.
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    From Twelfth-Century Schools to Thirteenth-Century Universities: The Disappearance of Biographical and Autobiographical Representations of Scholars.Ian P. Wei - 2011 - Speculum 86 (1):42-78.
    Learned men of the twelfth century, especially the first half, frequently wrote about themselves and each other. Well-known examples of autobiographical writing include Guibert of Nogent's De vita sua or Monodiae, Rupert of Deutz's defense of his theological career in his Apologia attached to his commentary on the Benedictine rule, Peter Abelard's Historia calamitatum, and Gerald of Wales's De rebus a se gestis. Examples of biographical narrative are easily found: the life of St. Goswin included an account of Goswin defeating (...)
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    Gender and Sexuality in Medieval Academic Discourse.Ian P. Wei - 2010 - Mediaevalia 31 (1):5-34.
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    Intellectual Culture in Medieval Paris: Theologians and the University, C.1100–1330.Ian P. Wei - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    In the thirteenth century, the University of Paris emerged as a complex community with a distinctive role in society. This book explores the relationship between contexts of learning and the ways of knowing developed within them, focusing on twelfth-century schools and monasteries, as well as the university. By investigating their views on money, marriage and sex, Ian Wei reveals the complexity of what theologians had to say about the world around them. He analyses the theologians' sense of responsibility to the (...)
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    Thinking About Animals in Thirteenth-Century Paris: Theologians on the Boundary Between Humans and Animals.Ian P. Wei - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Exploring what theologians at the University of Paris in the thirteenth century understood about the boundary between humans and animals, this book demonstrates the great variety of ways in which they held similarity and difference in productive tension. Analysing key theological works, Ian P. Wei presents extended close readings of William of Auvergne, the Summa Halensis, Bonaventure, Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas. These scholars found it useful to consider animals and humans together, especially with regard to animal knowledge and (...)
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    The masters of theology at the university of Paris in the late thirteenth and fourtheenth centuries: an authority beyond the schools.Ian P. Wei - 1993 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 75 (1):37-64.
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    Neslihan Şenocak, The Poor and the Perfect: The Rise of Learning in the Franciscan Order, 1209–1310. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2012. Pp. xv, 276. $49.95. ISBN: 9780801450570. [REVIEW]Ian P. Wei - 2014 - Speculum 89 (1):247-249.
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